
HP therapy security mitts

The securty mitts are filled with small beads for stimulation and is used in rehablitat... Add to my wishlist
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Disruption of medical treatment

HP therapy security mitts

Mitty Therapy - MKK-DIS001

The securty mitts are filled with small beads for stimulation and is used in rehablitation. It can reduce stress and help to get restlessness under control.
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Product information

The polystyrene beads in the Mitty Therapy provide distraction and reduce the urge to pick, grab and/or scratch. The mitt is suitable for patient/residents who are showing more unconscious behaviours like picking, pulling and/of scratching. It fits within a rehabilitation process or as occupational therapy, such as in a rehabilitation and/or neurology department.

A security mitt is considered to be a less restrictive device that should be considered and tried before more restrictive methods are used.

Antiplukwant - therapiewant

Additional information

  • Disposable
  • Contains polystyrene beads
  • A model for left hand and right hand

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